Thursday, October 06, 2005

Nothing To Say... So Far Away... Talking To You...

Haha, that's a song! So I'm in school and I have a lot of homework. But I made a new friend (yes, I realize that sounds lame and only kindergarteners say that). But I did! We were laughing so hard cause we do the stupidest things. It's halarious. We do things that would get us in trouble and we set everything up for our grand plan and then we totally freak out about how we're gonna get in trouble - do fun!

I made a sorta friend too. She's so nice and she goes to my church so we might go to youth together (my youth has finally gotten good!!! I actually learned something and almost started crying (ahhhh, how embarassing)). She's so sweet though!

I have to do a devo for my class tomorrow, I'm reading from my Precious Moments book (awwww) it's about Thanksgiving and it's gonna be so cute!

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