Saturday, January 07, 2006

Turkish Delight

So, I always feel like updating my blog in the morning but then I tell myself no because, it's better to write in the evening cause I have more to say but I'm too lazy!! I have to do homework today and I wanna get it done even though I only have 5 hours cause yesterday my friend was over from after school and I had a sleep over till this morning and then I'm babysitting.

My new favourite song is 'Turkish Delight' by David Crowder Band from that Inspired by Narnia CD which I pretty much want to get it. I've listened to clips of that song so much but now I'm getting the full version of it and I'm happy!!

I wanted to relax today and sleep in tomorrow but I can't because today I'm doing homework and tomorrow morning is church. Oh well, I can't really complain! I at least hope we have a good lunch today, though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have a really entertaining blog. i almost read the whole thing but then i was like "whoah its too late i have to go somewhere" and then i was about to turn off the computer but then i changed my mind and... i sound like a freak dont i well im not i just like your blog im sorry if i freaked you out because i talk so much although really i'm typing but anyways im sorry if i weirded you out. you really have a cool blog though.